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Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm about to go all Bridget Jones on you people

Today....actually right now as I type this, I'm having my last Dr. Pepper for a while. I'm so sad. I'm also tired of being so dependent on them...and having them control my thoughts and my days. There are worse things in this world, but to me Dr. Pepper is pretty bad because I let myself be consumed by thoughts of having one. I want one for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while I'm watching my favorite television programs, on road trips, ballgames, while eating out you name it. I don't always allow myself to have one. To be quite honest on most days I'm pretty good and have no more than 2...but then there are days where I'll have 4. I know a few people who only drink soda ALL day long. This is crazy to me. I think Dr. Pepper is so bad for me just because what purpose does it have besides bring me a few moments of joy? It has no other purpose. There is nothing nutritional about it. Nothing. So this time I will give it an honest try.



I love the new URL (title) of the blog "imaddictedtowater"... I laughed!

Belinda said...

You can do this. I used to drink at least 6 regular cokes a day. Now I drink water or tea and that's it. If you can go 1 week you have it beat.Don't have those quiting thoughts, like your losing something you are gaining your health. I have been coke free since August.I have had a slip or too but they tasted horrible. Try the special K tea, or lemonade packets you add to the water, they are good and they have protein which also fills your up.

Amanda Kirkpatrick said...

you go, girl!!! i know you can do it!!! proud of you and will be praying for you!!!!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

When I was in college I did this too, along with giving up fried foods and not eating anything after 7:30 at night. I have to tell you giving up Cokes of all kinds was what made the BIGGEST difference. This was the first time I ever successfully lost weight in my life, and it was amazing the difference it made. It took me two weeks of drinking pretty much nothing but water but after that I was seriously addicted to it. So, keep it up girl! I KNOW you can do it. If you have a weak moment, I'll be your "sponsor" and you can call me and tell me what you're feeling and thinking and I'll talk you out of the DP or I'll race over and bring you a big water or iced tea from Sonic and sit with you while you drink it and until you feel better! Love ya!